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Name: Aeean Hades
Height: 6' 0"
Width: 275
Affiliation(s) or Other: CW MegaStar
Game Status:

Eons ago, the fallen angel known as Satan was sent into hell by God. But what the bible did not record were the events that took place in hell and the battles that took place.

The ancient Greeks both stumbled and accurately discovered true events- but also, many times the Greek scholars and philosophers got it completely wrong... one such lore is about the god of the underworld, Hades. In actuality, the name came from a being named Aeean Hades.

The earliest known record of Aeean Hades exists in Dalkiel's study... it is the last known remaining account believe to have survived.

The story goes like this-

Aeean Hades is a child of Cain in the time of the great flood. Aeean was filled with hatred and anguish for all things good and pure. A trait known to be shared equally with all children of Cain- but, Aeean was special in that his mother was an Angel... an Angel of unmatched beauty and grace.

As a half-man, half-angel... Aeean by extension possessed Angelic like properties both physically and spiritually. As a being of supernatural origin- Aeean had an unmatched ability in locks and metalworks- he was a genius by many accounts but his true passion was into the art of battle and strategy.

But sadly, Aeean's human behavior and evil injected into him by being a child of Cain corrupted his soul and he would slaughter the children of Abel and Seth without one ounce of remorse in the name of his tribe and the name of Cain. Aeean quickly climbed the ranks and became the second General to the army of Cain.

Then came the flood.

All men, women and children of evil were flushed from the Earth, except for Aeean. For Aeean was inherently not a full-blooded man- and he survived by sprouting his black and white wings to escape the flood and safely rest on the top of a mountain. But God's gaze upon Aeean was not adverted. God was merciful and beckoned Aeean to build the Gates of the Apocalypse.

After Aeean completed the Gates- God decided to send Aeean into hell for all of eternity which infuriated Aeean because he was promised that he would be taken out and placed in purgatory as the Guardian of Balance. However, God watched Aeean closely and knew what was in his blackened heart- a vile evil that if left unchecked would have manifested into a dangerous force... Aeean tried to then open the gate of Apocalypse but he was stopped by a legion of Holy Angels and captured. To hell Aeean did go... but his blatant defile was heard and felt throughout Hell... Aeean became a dark martyr and it is believed that Aeean developed 'keys' that allowed someone to freely enter the Gates.

Satan heard about Aeean Hades and immediately assembled him into his black army as a top General- but Aeean's thirst for power and revenge was so epic and so deranged that he came up with a plan over throw Satan... but... lacked the power to do so. Until.

A day came when God sent Lord Mortismere into hell, and was given his own compartment named Kali-Sheol to rule. Naturally, Aeean had great interests in Mortismere and believed that the power of the Unholy Darkness was the key to over-throwing Satan. Aeean requested to be stationed in Kali-Sheol to oversee Mortismere and keep him under check and it was granted.

When Mortismere was first introduced to Aeean Hades, Mortis could sense a great force of darkness within him- pure iniquity ran through his black blood. Mortismere then seized the opportunity to join forces with Aeean Hades- and Aeean built the Unholy Citadel in an attempt to over throw hell.

Aeean Hades was named as the Military Commander of Mortismere's army and was promised a seat next to Mortismere once hell was over thrown. Little to Aeean's knowledge, Mortismere was already planning his escape from hell when Aeean and Dalkiel's armies began clashing in Sheol.

After about 200 years of constant warring, Aeean was captured by Satan. As punishment for his betrayal and his attempt to escape Hell- Satan made a deal with God and Aeean was sent back to Earth as a mortal, and to never again posses supernatural powers with exception to leaving Aeean's supernatural soul intact and a deformed mark in the form of twisted goat horns grown into the top of his head- forever making Aeean gruesome looking.

This made Aeean an immortal and incapable of dying- because his soul could rejuvenate all damages, even, grave injuries such as decapitation; but his physical body aged normally... No one knows what happened afterward because all records thereafter of Aeean were not kept. It is assumed that Aeean aged an old tired man and the oldest living human being on the planet.
The builder of the Gates of: Light, Balance and Wickedness.
The locksmith for the Gate into Hell known as: The Gate of Apocalypse

When he was half-man and half-angel, Aeean possessed amazing physical strength and supernatural ability- he has the power to lift objects with his mind and foresee events to occur far before they would happen based on current events if left marginally unchanged- a trait that made him a powerful battle strategist.